
Wednesday, November 10, 2010

you've got to begin with who you know you are, to be a revolution

“As you put into practice the qualities of patience, punctuality, sincerity, and solicitude, you will have a better opinion of the world around you.”
Grenville Kleiser (1868-1935);
  I think this is a lot of my problem too. I have let myself go... I was just thinking that since I have been out of school and on my own with no one to answer to, I let things slide and I can get away with them, there are no consequences.  Even with things like having a messy truck. It doesn't feel good. We've got to surround ourselves with positive, but it's not so easy to realize what that exactly is. It extends into realms that don't mean just "happy" and "good." It means being productive, it means being responsible... I've got to get my act together. Keep up on my life. In everything. And I think that translates directly to how I will view my life... Everyone is their own creation, the image of their own thinking and believing. 

You are free, but you have to choose something. My mother used to say: "an open oven bakes no bread."

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