
Wednesday, October 6, 2010


I forget what I got on here to say.

awful awful awful! For God's sakes. People have a right to mourn and that should be considered above all else. For being religious they've sure forgotten how to be freaking compassionate. Save your hell shouting for somewhere a little less heartbreaking. How can you sleep at night. WHERE HAS YOUR CONSCIENCE GONE.

People are people the world over. Who cares.

"It doesn't matter. Who is without a flaw?"

And they aren't God, to deliver His judgement on Earth. I'm pretty sure if they deserve it, they'll get it in heaven. or hell, or whatever.

So shut your damn mouth, be happy that you think you're living the right way, and if you think someone else is wrong, extend your hand to them in KINDNESS and OFFER them a chance to change. It is not your place to damn them.

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